Tuesday, November 27, 2007

vamps live, and jim crow must die!!!!!

ok,.. i know im late at writing.. but i have good reasons!

1. I turned old!!!! i celebrated turning 29 on 10/23... and thanks to my very good friend kelly... it wasn't as awful as i thought it would be.. but darn it i just keep thinking that i would so much like to be 24 again!

2. I lost and then started a new job! Never thought id be back in full retail again but here i am .. slaving away in a huge clothing store(i won't name names).

3. we began stage 2 of our house demolish/rebuild project.. not fun at all.. we hope to be done and everything pretty again by xmas.. my fingers are crossed!!!

4. i was too busy to write because i received 2 really awesome ARC's from algonquin publishing!!!

Book 1 was called Every last cukoo! and it was by a very nice lady named Kate maloy.. I know she has to be nice because not only did my contact with algonquin say she was.. but mrs. maloy took the time out of her busy life to send me a card thanking me for enjoying and reviewing her book... it was a blast for me.. so i think i got the better part of it all around. Her book was a lot about family vailues, and accepting change.. because it happens no matter what.. you can't always expect it.. but you do have to deal with it!

My next book was absolutely amazing.. called mudbound... and it was by a young lady named Hillary Jordan.. and boy did this book make me feel a million things all at once!!! it made me feel dirty, it made me feel so much anger, it made me feel pride, it made me blush, itmade me sad.. but most of all it made me cry.. this book is being championed by barbara kingsolver.. and for many good reasons too. this book will be out next march(2008) make sure you look for it.. it will amaze you too!!!!

ok.. so back to historian.. it was a pretty good book. i don't know how or why it got bashed like it did.. so there were a few parts that were a bit confusing.. but it was a hell of a tail.. and i couldn't wait to get to the end. some cool facts: the narator dosn't have a name, history repeats its self.. and boy is it good to get scared sometimes!! The last 100 pages or so was the best part of the story.. i would read the sequal if there was ever one to be wretten!!!

ok.. so thats that,.. time to head off to bed. ive got a pile of books im trying to trudge though.. but house stuff comes first!ick!

good night